Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom”’ is an interactive cinematic story that provides fans with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Gundam series in a new way and brand new story.Engine: undisclosed
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Prince of persiA™ :
The Lost Crown

Ubisoft Montpellier

In Prince of persia™: The Lost Crown, you play as Sargon, a young gifted Persian warrior member of an elite group of warriors called The Immortals, as they explore Mount Qaf, a cursed and hostile place.

Engine: undisclosed

Dungeon master

Artefacts Studio

Years before the tactical RPG & comic books storyline, the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is close to bankruptcy 📉 We need someone to rebuild EVERYTHING from scratch!

🛠 Naheulbeuk’s Dungeon Master by Artefacts Studio : this SUMMER on PC

Engine: undisclosed
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The group of friends of the series Edmond & Lucy
The group of friends of the series Edmond & Lucy
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Edmond & Lucy

Miam ! Animation x Artefacts Studio

Edmond & Lucy is one of the First TV show for kid to be realised in realtime rendering with the UNITY Engine. It's a show about friendship and discovery of nature in the following format : 52 episodes of 11 minutes each.

Engine: Unity

The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk

Back to the Futon

Artefacts Studio

The dungeon of Naheulbeuk : Back to the Futon is the last DLC of the game. Providing 20H+ of gameplay.

Engine : Unity
The group of friends of the series Edmond & Lucy
Thumbnail of the game The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk
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