Edmond & Lucy

Edmond&Lucy picture
Picture of Edmond & Lucy Picture of Edmond & Lucy

Working On Edmond & Lucy

Credits to Miam! Animation, Jungler and Artefacts studio for all assets and animations as well as the in-engine integration in Unity.

Edmond & Lucy is one of the First TV show for kid to be realised in realtime rendering with the UNITY Engine. It's a show about friendship and discovery of nature in the following format : 52 episodes of 11 minutes each.

We supported Artefacts studio in the production in-engine for all the VFXs in the show.
We also provided shaders for the environment or interactions and some tools for the lighting.

Our work on Edmond & Lucy lasted for 10 month for 52 episodes of 11 minutes each.
You can find the result on the French National television channel "France TV/Okoo" here :

Thanks a lot to the Team at Artefacts studio, it was a really great experience working with you all.

Artefacts studio : https://www.artefacts-studio.fr/
Miam! animation : https://www.miam-animation.com/

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